FSW Honors Research Expo 2022

FSW Honors Research Expo 2022

(Expo Kickoff, featuring the Visiting Writer Series)

Monday, April 04 Presenters and Project Titles In-person attendance
location* and/or Zoom**

Guest Lecture 1
Visiting Writer Series:

Sandra Simond: 21st Century Triptychs

Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Watch the recorded session here

*All in-person attendees will follow social distancing and mask protocols.
**Click “Watch the recorded session here” to view the session.

FSW Honors Research Expo 2022 (Day 1)

Tuesday, April 05 Presenters and Project Titles In-person attendance
location* and/or Zoom**

Student Presentations 1
Christopher Wooldridge: Post Incarceration: Society's Role In Reintegrating Young Offenders Who Are Now Adults

Hieu Nguyen: The Impact of Musical Therapeutic Intervention on Dementia Patients and Caregivers

Royasha Paudel: The Economics of Happiness: A Multigenerational Study of Women

Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

Student Presentations 2
Christina Lopez: Short Story: Lessons From a Boy Who Blew It All

Arline Martinez: Lavender Embers

Alexis Isherwood: Endangered Manatees in Southwest Florida: Impact of Civilian Destruction & Harassment

Mia Aragon: ‘Dis 4 Hispanics: Destigmatizing Anxiety in Teens Workshop

Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

Poster Session
Dr. Melinda Lyles: A Delphi Study to Countermeasures to Security Threats in networked Medical Devices

Dr. Bill Kelvin: FSW Compass

FSW’s Center for International Education: Study Abroad Program

Dr. Jill Hummel: Whatever Shall We Do with the Uteri?: Topic Spaces and the Placement of Reproductive and Gestating Bodies within Contemporary Literature and Film

Taylor Dixon, Cambrea Shelton, and Dr. Michael Sauer: Identification and Enumeration of Phytoplankton in San Carlos Bay

Taylor Dixon: Micro plastics in local SWFL Waters

Nicholas Longstreet: Portable Cybersecurity Travel Case

Matthew Sivaslian: Case Study Analyzing with Modalities in Florida Southwestern State College Program, and over all data Florida Southwestern College State, Florida, and Nation Wide with Information Technology Courses Completed from 2020-2021

Muhammad Emad, Nicholas Kenyon, Nicholas Longstreet, and Matthew Sivaslian: Analyzing Student Peer Performance in Student-Facilitated Software Development Workshops

Muhammad Emad, Nicholas Kenyon, Nicholas Longstreet, and Matthew Sivaslian: Analyzing Peer Performance in Student Facilitated Computer Development Workshops Part II

Matthew Sivaslian, Muhammad Emad, Nicholas Kenyon, and Nicholas Longstreet: A Qualitative Assessment on Student Engagement in an Information-Technology Incubator

Cameron Olivera & Madison Raski: Two-Year Survey of Prokaryotic Diversity and Environmental Trends in the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary Using Metagenomic Sequencing

Nikkita Cheriel: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Grant Kaminer: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Santana Khan: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Sierra Khan: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Coralie Lamour: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Lisa Noelma: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Jade Oquendo-Eisenhaur: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Mitchel Schlayer: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Katie Terwilliger: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Victoria Argueta: Bringing Awareness: Student Home Displacement in Lee County

Shirleena Cunningham: Better Call Saul: The Evolution of Moral Codes in the Platinum Age of Television

Victoria Hemingway: Blood Parameters in a Wild Population of Florida Box Turtles in a Coastal Ecosystem

Layla Jones: Seen Not Heard: Exploring Child Abuse and Trauma in the Family Court System Through Costume

Ava Keller: Stopping Strays

Coralie Lamour: Green Building

Lucas Molina-Varela: How easy is Entomophagy: Personal cricket farming as a sustainable food alternative

Kelly O'Hanlon: Barriers to Higher Education for Florida Citizens with a Criminal Record

Jade Oquendo-Eisenhaur: Justice Denied: Racism in Sentencing

Camille Irizarry: Only Child vs. Siblings: A qualitative exploration of Social Skill Development

Lee: External J-building

Poster Session
Tori Mann and Cody Weber: Home Range Ecology and Habitat Use of Florida Box Turtles in a Coastal Ecosystem

Stephanie Portillo and Axel Sotelo: Population Demography and Characteristics of Florida Box Turtles at a Coastal Site in South Florida

Jeffery Haney: Using 3D Printing to Construct a Lightweight Attachment for GPS Unit Deployment in Box Turtles

Alyssa Timothee: The Good Life Gallery and Giveaway

Collier: External B-building

Guest Lecture 2
Dr. Dick Farkas: IN SEARCH OF DEMOCRACY at Home and Abroad

Moderated by Dr. Bruno Baltodano
Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Student Presentations 3

Peter Van Leeuwen and Krista Biasella: eReserves and Controlled Digital Lending: An Evolution

Grant Kaminer: Ergonomic Measures as Measures of Increased Athletic Performance in Marathon Training

Dr. Dick Farkas: IN SEARCH OF DEMOCRACY Q&A Session
Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

*All in-person attendees will follow social distancing and mask protocols.
**Click "Watch the recorded session here" to view the session.

FSW Honors Research Expo 2022 (Day 2)

Wednesday, April 06 Presenters and Project Titles In-person attendance
location* and/or Zoom**
9:00am – 10:00am

Guest Lecture 3
Dr. Michael Witty: More Unspeakable Research Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

Student Presentations 4
Jaylin Aragus: Sociology and Society

Agustin Antunez, McKayla Hornsby, and Luis Hernandez Trejo: Untitled

Anthony Myles:The Blood-Dimmed Tide: A New Philosophy of Zombie Horror

Professor Shimul Chowdhury, Dr. Brandi George, Robert Ralls, and Christina Lopez: FSW’s art and literature journal: Illuminations

Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

FSW Student Art Exhibition
Professor Shimul Chowdhury & Dr. Brandi George: FSW’s art and literature journal: Illuminations

FSW’s Center for International Education: Study Abroad Program

Aleah Divine: The Unexpected Journey

Aleah Divine: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Aleah Divine: Another Life

Aleah Divine: Ever-Loving

Sofia Quintana: create

Shylee Strasser: Bloom

Shylee Strasser: Lotus, Flower Bomb

Abby Canfield: Sleep well, please

Leah Marshall: Stationary Thoughts

Yesenia Landin: Aatrox

Yesenia Landin: Ionia

Jessica Weddle: Quiet Please, It’s Too Bright Out

Andrew Dumitrescu: Dancing in its Simplest Form

Andrew Dumitrescu: Confidence

Andrew Dumitrescu: Xi-Tiger build-up

Joel Ralls: Startling Empathy


Zachary Hernandez: Bassie the Anglermaid

Zachary Hernandez: Happy Lil Alien

Zachary Hernandez: Pounce

Zachary Hernandez: Once Upon A Time

Zachary Hernandez: Werelene

Zachary Hernandez: Pearly Gates

Joshua Smith: Elon Busk

Joshua Smith: Elon Husk

Joshua Smith: Ground

Katelyn Marchetti: March Fourteenth 2020

Katelyn Marchetti: The Calm Before the Storm

Katelyn Marchetti: An Editorial Attempt

Katelyn Marchetti: Beauty in the Chaos

Katelyn Marchetti: Orange Sunshine

Christina Dickey: Grapes

Joshua Oglesby: Untitled

Scott Abrams: Rainbow Softbodies

Lee: External J-building
1:15pm – 2:15pmm

Student Presentations 5
Erik Courtney: Preserving and Restoring the Florida Barrier Reef

Katharine Alcarrez, Izabella Dos-Smolnicka, Kendra MacGeorge, Tyler Navarette, and Timothy Testa: Let it Grow: The Fundamentals, Finances, and Fascination of Starting a Food Forest on FSW’s Lee Campus

Dakota Nivens: On the Pathogenesis of Dissociation: A New Transdisciplinary-Multitheoretical Approach to Phenomena

Lee: J-103 (Rush Auditorium)

Collier: B-101

Watch the recorded session here

*All in-person attendees will follow social distancing and mask protocols.
**Click "Watch the recorded session here" to view the session.