News Article

Tobacco-Free Smokifier Van at Charlotte Campus Monday

Sep 17, 2009


Tobacco-Free Florida’s “The Street Team” will have one of its two “Smokifier” vans on the Charlotte campus Monday, Sept. 21! The vans, equipped with age-progression technology to illustrate the harmful physical effects of smoking verses not smoking, were developed by the group of individuals as outreach vehicles to travel to communities across Florida to spread the Tobacco Free Florida message directly to consumers.


Visitors are seated in an awning-covered booth outside of the van, where a photo is taken and then “smokified.” The resulting photo depicts the potential changes in ones facial features after years of smoking (i.e., wrinkles, discoloration) versus years of tobacco-free living.  Visitors can also take a turn at spinning a “Wheel of Misfortune” to test their knowledge of the dangers of tobacco use! Even if you have never used tobacco of any kind, this will be a fun time for all and you can share the knowledge you get with the tobacco users in your life. There will be give-a-ways including t-shirts, hats, water bottles, koozies, stickers, car decals and bracelets.


One of the on-going tobacco free Charlotte campus initiatives, the event will begin at 10 a.m. in a designated area of the oval driveway in front of the bell tower and flag pole. Look for the brightly painted van and the colorful tents! 





Last Updated: September 17, 2009

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