News Article

Hendry/Glades Changes Scheduled Over Spring Break

Mar 10, 2011


As we prepare to close for Spring Break next week, I want to share a few exciting changes that will take place while you are away from campus.  First, our existing paved parking lots and roads will be resurfaced and substantially improved with curbs. Some of the work will, of course, continue into the week of March 14 when we all return; The entrance on Forrey Drive will be closed, and access to some parking could be limited for a few more days. Please try to come to campus early for your classes so you have time to get parked safely.


The college recently acquired a third building (C), which is the blue and white structure located directly across the street from the Forrey Drive entrance to campus. This building will house several new programs, including the Florida Works Career Center. The building also provides space for future vocational programs. Certificate in Electricity is the first anticipated to begin next fall. We are calling this our Center for Workforce and Innovation. You will hear more about this initiative in the future.


Also, you will notice some portable buildings being set up behind building (A).  There will be four large portables that will provide a new biology / chemistry lab, a nursing lab, and two large general classrooms. Adding these buildings and the new Center for Workforce Innovation will add over 9,000 square feet of learning space to our campus, an increase of about 30%.


Thank you for being part of our forth and newest campus at Edison State College.  We are glad you are here in our learning community. Have a safe and enjoyable break, and we will see back here soon.




Dr. Robert R. Jones

Campus Provost, Hendry/Glades

Last Updated: March 10, 2011

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