STEM @ FSWC-LEE Learners

Independent & Collaborative Learning

All good learners understand the process of working individually and collaboratively in order to be successful. Teachers at FSWC - Lee inspire and encourage independent and group thinking across our curriculum. In addition to this linked PDF example of Chemistry Class Notes, below you will find video examples from Chemistry, Engineering, and Economics displaying independent and collaborative learning.

Participation & Outreach

FSWC - Lee opens its doors to any student willing to learn through an open lottery system. Early in the year, post cards and flyers are sent out to each local middle school. Open house events, guided tours, and student shadowing are available to any parent and student who has expressed interest in our school. Below are examples of our marketing tools, the open house presentation, and the current student demographics.

Personalized & Self-Directed Learning

Teaching students how to become responsible for their own education and learning is a prime skill needed at the college level and beyond. Classes across our entire curriculum allow students time where they need to reach out on their own in order educate themselves. In addition to Biology Flipped Classroom Instruction, below you will find examples from Biology, World History, and Engineering that displays personalized and self-directed learning.

Performance Based Assessments

Critical thinking is a crucial part of the success at FSWC - Lee. We want our students to be able to understand a concept, but then be able to turn around and apply it. In addition to this linked PDF example of the Zip Line Challenge Review, below are examples of our Sophomore Showcase, Chemistry Cupcake Challenge, and Engineering projects that demonstrate performance-based assessments.

Use of Technology Resources

FSWC - Lee has just upgraded our technology in all of the classrooms in order to provide the teachers and students with the best equipment possible. The implementation of new equipment in Engineering and an entire Technology class provides the students with the opportunity to be exposed to new ways to use technology in their everyday lives.