The Department of Campus Police maintains a Crime and Fire Log listing a summary of all criminal, fire and other incidents that may cause concern to the campus community. These include crimes, fires and other incidents occurring on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, or on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus or within the patrol jurisdiction and reported to Campus Police.
The log lists the date, time reported, time occurred, general location, and disposition of the complaint if this information is known at the time the log is created. Certain information may temporarily be withheld to protect a victim or maintain the integrity of an in-progress criminal investigation.
A separate fire log is maintained for fires occurring within Light House Commons residence hall, as required by the Clery Act and those records are combined into this log.
All of these records are compiled in the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Report (to include crime and fire statistics) into one publication entitled the Campus Safety Guide (PDF).