Public Notices

Type: Notice of Proposed Rule Development
Subject: 6Hx6:5.04 Sick Leave
Purpose: Addressing sick leave and creation of a sick leave pool under statute.
Legal Authority: Florida Statutes 1012.865
Type: Notice of Proposed Rule Development
Subject: 6Hx6:5.05 Suspension, Dismissal or Non-Renewal of Contracts
Purpose: The proposed policy would create a procedure for suspension, dismissal or non-renewal of contract personnel.
Legal Authority: Florida Statutes 1001.64 4(b); 1001.65 ; 1012.855
Type: Notice of Proposed Rule Development
Subject: 6Hx6:2.09 Information Security
Purpose: Update policy to reflect new College name and review policy to ensure it aligns with best practices and revise if necessary.
Legal Authority: Legal authority: Florida Statutes 1001.64
Type: Notice of Proposed Rule Adoption/Repeal/Amendment
Rule Title: Sick Leave
Purpose: The proposed policy would create a sick leave/pool policy.
Legal Authority: N/A
Rule Number: 6Hx6:5.06
Date/Time: April 28, 2015 at 3:00 PM
Type: Notice of Proposed Rule Adoption/Repeal/Amendment
Rule Title: Suspension, Dismissal or Non-Renewal of Contracts
Purpose: The proposed policy would create a procedure for suspension, dismissal or non-renewal of contract personnel.
Legal Authority: N/A
Rule Number: 6Hx6:5.05
Date/Time: April 28, 2015 at 3:00 PM