Quality Matters Certified Courses

Online courses that earn Quality Matters (QM) Certification have successfully met a rigorous set of standards for online course design after review by a team of QM certified peer-reviewers that includes a discipline expert and experienced online instructors. QM Standards and the faculty-centered review process are internationally recognized for being supported by research and based on best practices. Courses that meet QM standards are also recognized by the state's Florida Quality Initiative as "High Quality" online courses.

A QM Course Certification demonstrates the faculty's commitment to FSW's mission by realizing the strategic initiative to "engage in best practices to expand and innovate online and distance education to make learning accessible and responsive to global trends."

Online faculty members interested in pursuing QM Certification can contact elearning@fsw.edu.

FloridaShines Online Course Catalog
NC-SARA Student Information
Quality Matters at FSW