Steps To Getting A Grant

Step 1:

Contact Office of Sponsored Programs & Research (OSPR) and setup a meeting to discuss potential programs/projects requiring funding. Following a meeting, you will receive potential sources of funding. You are welcome to fill out OSPR’s “Grant Search Form (PDF)” to receive a customized packet outlining upcoming areas where funding may be available for your program/project.

Recommended Timeline - Six months prior to project start

Step 2:

Review potential sources of funding provided by OSPR and discuss the options whose goals align closely with your program/project.

Recommended Timeline - Ten weeks prior to grant deadline

Step 3:

Work with Jessica Godwin in OSPR to develop a draft proposal. OSPR will serve as a liaison with Financial Services to create the budget. Confirm potential institutional commitments with Chair/Coordinator/Director and Dean.

Recommended Timeline - Eight weeks prior to grant deadline

Step 4:

Complete an "Authorization for Grant Application (PDF)" and circulate your full, final proposal with an Authorization for Grant Application form to all supervisors (Chair/Coordinator/Director, Dean) and Provost. In addition, the Assistant Vice President of Budget and Financial Planning and Vice President of Operations/Chief Financial Officer must approve if any money is involved. If Co-Principal Investigators are involved who reside in a different department, their Chair/Coordinator/Dean must also approve. Approval from the College President is required if the request for funds exceeds $100,000.

Recommended Timeline - Two weeks prior to grant deadline

Step 5:

Provide the completed proposal and signed "Authorization for Grant Application” form to OSPR for final review at least 10 FSW working days before deadline (if there is a holiday/break, allow extra days for the number of days the college is closed).

Recommended Timeline - Ten days prior to grant deadline

Step 6:

Submit the proposal. OSPR accepts the responsibility of final submission unless the Principal Investigator (PI) requests otherwise.

Recommended Timeline - One week prior to grant deadline