Reasonable Accommodations

Accommodations Provided

Adaptive Services provides the following accommodations and services. This list is not inclusive and there are other accommodations and services that can be offered based on individual need through the interactive process.

  • Extended time on testing session
  • Less distracting testing environment
  • Books in alternative formats (PDF files)
  • Assistive technologies (Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Read&Write, ZoomText, JAWS)
  • Recording of lectures
  • ASL Interpreters & Transcription Services
  • Access to course materials (for example PowerPoints) in advance, Note takers and/or Scribes
  • Reader or Reading Software

Accommodations are determined through the review of supporting documentation and conversations with the individual and Adaptive Services. Parents are welcome to attend, when requested by the student. All accommodation requests are addressed through the interactive process.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify Adaptive Services if they feel they are not benefiting from accommodations of which they are eligible or if they experience mechanical and/or technical issues regarding services. It is not the responsibility of the Office of Adaptive Services to ensure that the individual is using accommodations.

Accommodations are intended to provide an equitable experience as non-disabled peers to ensure Equal Access/Equal Opportunity for students registered. Students are encouraged to utilize the various College resources: College Tutoring Services, Professors’ Office Hours, etc., as it compliments any college student's experience. Adaptive Services is not responsible for student's academic success or failure. Accommodations are not retroactive and students may elect not to utilize accommodations of which they are eligible.