Pregnant Students

Did you know pregnancy is protected under both Title IX and the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

Under Title IX

Title IX makes it illegal to discriminate because of sex, which includes discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion or related conditions, including recovery. Title IX also ensures the right to take medically necessary leave and to be free of harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination because of pregnancy-related conditions.

Under the ADA

Not all pregnancies result in a disability, but they could quickly result in a short-term disability. It is best to self-identify ahead of time and have the documentation in place because if a problem presents itself, and you can’t be in class, unexcused absences/missed work will be one less thing you will have to worry about.

Self-Identification Process

Having the self-identification process completed ahead of time encourages the student to have communication with Adaptive Services and their Professors prior to needing accommodations. In the event the student becomes unable to attend class, or needs other pregnancy-related accommodations, having this process in place expedites communication between the student, Adaptive Services and their professors.

For more information regarding your rights as a pregnant student, please visit The Pregnant Scholar.

Lactation Rooms Available at FSW (PDF)