Documentation Guidelines

Students who are interested in benefiting from reasonable accommodations must complete the self-identification process in order to receive services. Individuals requesting accommodations and services due to a disability may be asked to provide documentation to support their requests. Our Minimum Specific Documentation Requirements form provides information on the required documentation for receiving services. Transient students may provide their home institutions letter of accommodation as sufficient documentation. Current supporting documentation must be uploaded within the self-identification form in PDF format.

Insufficient Documentation

The following documentation is insufficient, but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis:

  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans, unless the individual is a dual enrolled high school student (will need additional documentation once they graduate high school).

    • IEPs are contracts which were structured and agreed to with that particular school at the time they were written. They are not binding agreements with Florida SouthWestern State College.
    • IEPs/504s may be helpful in determining the level of support and types of accommodations which were provided to a student in the past which may give insight regarding successful support in the post-secondary educational setting.
  • Letters of Accommodation from other institutions of higher learning may be accepted for transient students for the period of one semester, but these letters do not serve as documentation beyond that time.
  • Statements from the Social Security Administration. Their determination of disability differs in purpose and scope, and it does not provide information specific to the disability in an academic setting.

Updated Documentation

A student may be asked to update documentation that exceeds five years of age or the staff suspects may no longer be representative of the student’s current functioning or status. A one semester grace period within which to update previously accepted documentation may be granted, at the discretion of the college.

If a student requests accommodations that are not reflected in the current documentation, or the student expresses that the current documentation does not reflect the extent of the disability, the college may request updated documentation to substantiate need.

*Delay of services due to late receipt of documentation and required forms are not the responsibility of Adaptive Services


Adaptive Services strictly follows confidentiality guidelines. Services are provided with the understanding that only the individual, office staff, and, in some cases, professors are aware of this partnership. The confidentiality guidelines are outlined below.

  • Documentation is stored in a secure electronic file and is accessible only to office staff. Individuals have the right to review their files upon submitting a written request.
  • Faculty and staff will only have access to information on a "need to know" basis; individual files will not be disclosed to those working at FSW. Instructors do not receive documentation but are informed about the necessary accommodations for students enrolled in their courses. Adaptive Services strongly recommends that students contact their professors to build a student-teacher relationship. However, it is up to the individual to decide whether to inform their professor about specific needs.
  • Student assistants, note takers, and other volunteers providing services are also on a "need to know" basis. Their primary goal is to support the student with requested assistance. It is up to the individual to decide whether to inform these service providers of their specific needs.
  • Testing accommodations will be managed so that only the individual, the professor, and the Testing Center are aware of the accommodations. Adaptive Services is committed to maintaining confidentiality throughout this process.
  • In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), all information regarding an individual’s accommodations, services, and testing circumstances is accessible only to office staff and the student. The individual can complete a Release to a Third-Party form, permitting office staff to discuss their status with third-party members, but only in general terms. It is up to the individual to decide who is allowed to speak with the office staff.